Micro/Nano Motion Control 微纳运动控制
The research of our laboratory focuses on the precise and intelligent motion control of micro/nano-objects by optical and electrical technologies. The sizes of micro/nano-objects range from atomic scale (~0.1 nm) to near macro scale (~1 mm),and the motion environments include suspension in vacuum/air or liquids, and adhesion to solid interfaces.
目前实验室研究方向为 通过光电技术,对微纳物体的运动进行精密与智能控制。微纳物体大小从原子尺度(~0.1 nm)到近宏观尺度(~1 mm),其运动环境包括悬浮在真空/空气、液体中,及黏附在固体界面上。
1. 光热冲镊(Photothermal-shock tweezers)
2. 纳米传统机器人(Nano-conventional robots)
3. 激光冷却微纳光纤实现极弱力测量(Laser cooling of micro/nanofibers for extremely weak force sensing)
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